The Wedding School - Post Wedding Client Problems
The Wedding School - Post Wedding Client Problems
No matter what you do, eventually you will have an upset client. Regardless how good the relationship has been with your client from the moment they booked you up to the wedding day itself, sometimes you have post-wedding client problems. This deep dive looks at those problems, and what common ones come up more often than we’d like to admit. And what you can do when you find yourself in a sticky situation after the wedding happens.

user Themelli     

CGCookie - Moving from Blender 2.7 to 2.8
CGCookie - Moving from Blender 2.7 to 2.8
Change may be difficult though, especially if you're a seasoned pro and are used to doing everything a certain way. This free course will concisely show you what's new, changed, or moved in 2.8 without you needing to sit through yet another beginner tutorial that explains how to move vertices around. Blender 2.8 is not without its quirks, and this course will guide you through how to work with them or around them.

user Themelli     

CGCookie - MODIFY - A complete guide on Blender\'s modifiers
CGCookie - MODIFY - A complete guide on Blender's modifiers

Blender's modifiers are a fundamental and powerful feature that form the backbone of its non-destructive modeling and animation workflow. These versatile tools allow 3D artists and designers to manipulate objects, meshes, and animations in a flexible and dynamic way without permanently altering the underlying geometry or animation data.

Modifiers are like a set of virtual tools that can be applied to your 3D objects to perform a wide range of operations, from simple transformations to complex procedural effects. They provide a means to streamline your creative process, enhance your modeling capabilities, and achieve intricate results with ease. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced 3D artist, understanding how Blender's modifiers work is essential for creating stunning and adaptable 3D content. In this exploration, we will delve deeper into the world of Blender's modifiers, uncovering their functionality, applications, and the creative possibilities they offer.

user Themelli     

CGCookie - Modeling Video Game Assets in Blender
CGCookie - Modeling Video Game Assets in Blender
Are you ready to start creating your own game objects? Then this is the course for you. Through this second course in the Game Asset Creation learning flow you will learn how to create both low and high resolution objects in Blender, which will later be used for generating normal maps, capturing all the intricate detail while keeping an optimized model. In this course you'll learn how to: Work with concept art and references in Blender's viewport Create quick prototype objects for pipeline testing and level development Work with real-world scale to ensure your model imports at the right size Sculpt high resolution detail with Blender's Dynamic Topology Retopologize the high-resolution sculpts to create an optimized, low poly mesh.

user Themelli     

CGCookie - Mobile 2D Space Shooter
CGCookie - Mobile 2D Space Shooter

In this mobile course we'll learn how to convert our popular 2D Space Shooter into a mobile friendly game. This is a beginner introduction to building mobile controls for your game. The 2D Space Shooter is a great game to start off with since it's quite simple and great for performance due to it's 2D nature. You'll learn how to: Design UI controls in Photoshop Create platform specific methods Convert an existing game to mobile controls Script a stand alone joystick for all your mobile games Build and deploy your game for iOS and Android

If you've ever wanted to learn how to build mobile controls for your game, then this course is a great start to learning how to control movements with a virtual joystick and UI based buttons. Take your space adventures on the go, lets get started!

user Themelli     

CGCookie - Make Your 3D Characters run in Blender: How To Make A Run Cycle Animation
CGCookie - Make Your 3D Characters run in Blender: How To Make A Run Cycle Animation
In this Blender 3D animation tutorial, join Wayne as he brings CG Cookie's iconic character, Melvin, to life with a lively cartoony run. While our spotlight is on character animation, we're skipping the rigging part for this one. For those keen on mastering rigging, don't miss our Fundamentals of Rigging Blender Course! In 5 lessons, learn how to create a run cycle for any Blender character.

user Themelli     

CGCookie - MAKE IT: 3D Printing with Blender and a Prusa Printer
CGCookie - MAKE IT: 3D Printing with Blender and a Prusa Printer
3D printing is an immensely powerful and useful technology. It has applications that span almost every field and hobby. When combined with Blender and a pinch of creativity, 3D printing can be leveraged to amazing effect; enabling you to make nearly anything you can imagine.
In Make It, instructor Porter Nielsen will teach you the fundamentals of Blender required for 3D printing: including how to navigate Blender, understand scaling, import/export .stl files, clean up models, and use a variety of powerful functions and tools to create original models.
You will then apply these skills in 3 different projects: making a tank, creating a drink coaster from an image, and customizing a phone case.
The course is designed for those new to Blender, focusing on the core features required for 3D printing. Gradually introducing and implementing new concepts so that you learn at a natural pace.

user Themelli     

'Udemy - Visual Studio ile Git, GitHub, BitBucket ve TFS Kullanımı'
Udemy - Visual Studio ile Git, GitHub, BitBucket ve TFS Kullanımı
Language: Türkçe
Visual Studio ve Visual Studio Code ile Git, GitHub, TFS Git ve TFSVC Kullanarak Projelerinizi Geliştirmeyi Öğrenin

user Themelli     

'Udemy - Sıfırdan Web Sitesi Yapmak, HTML EĞİTİMİ'
Udemy - Sıfırdan Web Sitesi Yapmak, HTML EĞİTİMİ
Language: Türkçe
Sıfırdan ileri seviyeye HTML eğitimi, kurs sonunda html ile kendi web sayfalarını yapabilirsin.

user Themelli     

'Udemy - OpenCV ile Görüntü İşleme 3/3 (Python)'
Udemy - OpenCV ile Görüntü İşleme 3/3 (Python)
Language: Türkçe
Python Programlama Dili Kullanarak OpenCV ile Görüntü İşleme Dersi | Başlangıçtan İleri Düzeye | 3. Video Eğitimidir.

user Themelli     

'Udemy - .Net Core Asenkron- Multithread Programlama (TASK,TPL,PLINQ)'
Udemy - .Net Core Asenkron- Multithread Programlama (TASK,TPL,PLINQ)
Language: Türkçe
TASK, TPL ve PLINQ gücünü kullanarak asenkron ve multi-thread uygulamalar inşa etmeyi öğreneceksiniz.

user Themelli     

'Udemy - Microsoft Excel | Sıfırdan Zirveye'
Udemy - Microsoft Excel | Sıfırdan Zirveye
Language: Türkçe
Excel 'in gizli kalmış özelliklerini keşfedin. Fonksiyonlar, Pivot Tablo, Veri Analizi yöntemlerini ayrıntısıyla öğrenin

user Themelli     

'Udemy - C# ve DevExpress ile Gelişmiş Ön Muhasebe Yazılımı (Bölüm-3)'
Udemy - C# ve DevExpress ile Gelişmiş Ön Muhasebe Yazılımı (Bölüm-3)
Language: Türkçe
C# Tabanında Entity Framework ORM Aracını ve Devexpress Componentlerini Kullanarak Gelişmiş Bir Uygulama Geliştirelim.

user Themelli     

Long Chain Rigging Tutorial
Learn a new angle on content creation for Daz Studio by learning this exclusive technique of long-chain rigging. This method can provide unique and outstanding products!  Think about it - how would you create a tentacled creature, a snake, hair, a tail of a crocodile or a whip that you can pose and bend accurately and easily that has been rigged with numerous chained bones?  Presented by Sickleyield from the Daz 3D community who reveals her step by step process of how to create such multi-boned products. In this tutorial she'll show you how to have a whip completely rigged and set up with hand pose wearables.  The Figure Setup tab tends to be under-utilized and we cover this part of DS in detail during this tutorial.

user Themelli     

CGMA - Key Frame Illustration for Production
CGMA - Key Frame Illustration for Production
This course focuses on teaching students how to create beautiful and cinematic key frame illustrations. Using a mix of rendering techniques, we will tackle important elements of creating key frames such as composition, color, mood, and lighting. The course will be composed of two parts: first, we will study the fundamentals behind cinematic images in order to get familiar with those structures and languages. In the second part, students will tackle a small project where the goal is to create a set of key frames using the knowledge learned in the past weeks. This course will help students’ work to develop a more cinematic feeling, as well as improve their workflow using industry-standard techniques.

user Themelli     

CGMA - Hard Surface Modeling for Characters
A 6-week course focused on designing and building complex hard surfaces for characters

user Themelli     

CGMaster Academy – Fundamentals Of Character Design
CGMaster Academy – Fundamentals Of Character Design
An 8-week course for building foundational skills necessary for the design of appealing characters in film, games, animation, comics, and more

user Themelli     


CGMaster Academy – Character Texturing for Games in Substance
CGMaster Academy – Character Texturing for Games in Substance English | Video: 1080p | Project files A 6-week course using Substance painter as a tool for texturing game characters


user Themelli     

CGMA - Abstract FX in Houdini
CGMA - Abstract FX in Houdini
An 8-week course using Houdini as a design tool that focuses on abstraction and non-traditional FX

Virtually every tool in Houdini can be used for abstraction. Houdini is a means to an end, but not the end in itself. This class will focus on using Houdini outside of the traditional FX pipeline. Houdini can do much more than simulations and explosions. Here, we’ll be using Houdini as a design tool, focusing on abstraction and non-traditional FX. We’ll be looking at lots of inspirational forms from nature and architecture and learning how to create procedural networks that capture the essence of them. Rather than completing one large project, we’ll be tackling small tools and concepts that you can use as building blocks for larger ideas and visions. The goal is to get you thinking procedurally, embracing the core concepts of Houdini, and pushing you into new creative territory by expanding your tool set.

user Themelli     

Blendermarket – The Ride A Blender Car Animation Course
Is this course, we are going to cover all the topics you need to master, to create your own 3D projects such as

user Themelli     

Blender Market - Real Time Motion Graphics
Take your Blender & Eevee motion graphics skills to the next level with RTMG.

Over 11 hours of training covering procedural modeling, quick animation techniques, shading tricks, lighting tips, Eevee optimizations and more!

RTMG is aimed at Motion Designers and Visual Artists who want to learn about new techniques to quickly generate ideas and produce great looking renders at breakneck speed. The focus is on Eevee, and what you can achieve with a moderately powerful gaming laptop and a bit of creativity.

This course assumes basic Blender knowledge, so I wouldn’t recommend it for complete beginners and people just getting in to the software.

user Themelli     

Nitrox3d Non-Destructive Modeling Course

 Nitrox3d Non-Destructive Modeling Course Hi everyone! We're proud to improve upon the success of the NITROX3D Course with 10 more videos totaling 20 videos in 4 Tracks! These videos teach you step-by-step, using Blender's own modifiers to create non-destructive hard surface models-- models which you can continually edit and update until the design is "just right."


user Themelli     

Max Hay\'s - Create Beautiful Environments In Blender
Max Hay\'s - Create Beautiful Environments In Blender
Max Hay's - Create Beautiful Environments In Blender
Watch my full creation process of 5 environments done start to finish. Efficiently explained yet easy to follow (~2H per environment). Includes sections on how to get ideas, inspiration, and mindset to make the best possible work. 3 unique, huge asset packs of 3D models that are are easy to set up and use straight away, a pack of HD moody skies for backgrounds, and a particle overlays pack. Designed to help you start making better stuff instantly.

user Themelli     

Max Hay\'s - Fantasy Environments Course
Max Hay's - Fantasy Environments Course
This is an intermediate blender course which thoroughly covers my process and gives you all the tools needed for creating fantasy environment renders from start to finish.
My goal here is to get you to a place where you can create really beautiful fantasy environment renders, still or animated, on your own.
​I think with all the tools I’ve put together here, that’s going to be easier than ever. ​​Take a look below at everything this course comes with.

user Themelli     
