UIHut - Crypto Exchanger App UI Kit - 7973
UIHut - Crypto Exchanger App UI Kit - 7973
Meet Crypto Exchanger, a fully-featured Mobile app UI Kit Design for the Crypto Exchanger, including well-organized screens, and beautiful Colors. UI kits are often organized into different pages and sections to make it easy for the designers to find the components they need. This premium iOS app design kit includes 18 clean & minimal pre-made screens.
We've added a lot of different content to maximize the number of layout options. Drag, drop, and mix different parts to quickly build your own Crypto Exchange app in a matter of minutes.
 Types of screens included: Onboarding, Sign in/Sign up, Wallet, History, Currency List, Notifications, Treding Page, Money Exchange, and much more. Thank You For Your Time!

