Video for Instagram - Tell an Engaging Story in Less Than a Minute
Have you wanted to start creating short videos for Instagram or other content platforms but don't know where to begin?
Great! This class is for you. Hallease will work through some basic ideas around storytelling and how to incorporate different filming and editing techniques.  We’ll also go over some technical knowledge to keep in mind as you construct your story. Remember everyone has a compelling story to tell, so we'll also go through some prompts to spark your creativity.


This class is designed for people at all levels of storytelling, whether you’re a beginner who’s interested in self-expression or a seasoned content creator looking for a burst of inspiration. 

What you'll need


At the bare minimum, you’ll need a smartphone with a working camera, potentially video editing software on your phone, and an internet connection to post and share! 

Visual Techniques Covered


1. Jump Cuts to convey the passage of time 

2. Filming in slow motion for humor or impact

3. Incorporating text for humor

Video for Instagram - Tell an Engaging Story in Less Than a Minute

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