Create Your Own Book Video: A Step by Step Guide for Authors
As the author of over a dozen books, both fiction and nonfiction, I've found that book videos can be useful at every stage of the publishing process, including:
    Pre-publication marketing meetings with the publisher
    Press kits and media pitches
    Marketing to bookstores and libraries
    Lining up speaking engagements
    Reaching readers and book clubs
    Promoting backlist titles years after publication


Fortunately, the technology is so easy that anyone with an iPad or other tablet or smartphone can shoot a high-quality video, add photos or video footage, make simple edits, and publish to online platforms.


This class walks through every step of the process that I use to make videos to promote my books. I'll show you all the equipment and free software I use, and walk you through every step of the process I use.


For those of you who have different equipment and software, I'll suggest alternatives. The basic concepts are the same no matter what you use to make your video. 


This class will also work for anyone who wants to make a talking head-style video interspersed with photos and video clips on any subject at all, but my examples are all going to be specific to book videos.

 Create Your Own Book Video: A Step by Step Guide for Authors

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