Adrian Sommeling - MEGA BUNDLE: ALL IN ONE SET! (Updated)

Adrian Sommeling - MEGA BUNDLE: ALL IN ONE SET! (Updated)
English | Video: 1080p | Raw Files | PSD
Want to learn all different disciplines within realistic compostiting?
Then this is the bundle for you! This bundle contains all of my workshops and other products.

This bundle contains 10 products.

Realistic Compositions for everybody (Natural light).
No, you don’t need an expensive camera or expensive studio lights. In this tutorial I will show you how you can create impressive and funny images with photos taken with the camera of your cellphone or with a simple pocket camera. If you ever wanted to boost you Social Media account(s), this is your chance. Funny pictures always work and in this tutorial I will teach how to create these images within no-time.

Workshop tutorial halloween textures and coloring
In this almost 4 hour video tutorial we are gonna play with textures to create an awesome realistic and creepy scene. The textures we are using are simple textures that I shot just in my neighbourhood. You can find this kind textures everywhere around you and it’s fun if you know how to use them.

Realistic compositions - Light and Portraits
In this more than 9 hours video tutorial I will show you in a few steps, how to create from a simple portrait an awesome, advertising ready, image. I will explain you about what you have to know about light. I will show you the light setups and how to process the photos. We will simulate natural light with studio lights. We gonna create depth of field in Photoshop. We will add snow and rain to a portrait and much more. Don’t let the light control you… be in control!!

Realistic compositions Landscapes & Animals
How great is it, to create your own reality!!
In earlier tutorials we worked with an existing photo as a background, but in this tutorial, we gonna create the complete scene. We create our own background, our own world :). And in this world, we gonna put some animals and my son. It wasn't easy to shoot all the animals with the light that I needed, so in this tutorial I also gonna show you how to chance the light on the animals. I am sure you will enjoy it!! ;)

Realistic compositions - Color corrections & realistic reflections
Unlike ordinary photographs where color correction is often no more than restoring the color balance, adjusting colors or changing the atmosphere, color correcting your composites is essential to get a realistic whole. It is particularly important to know what you do and why you do it. In this tutorial I will teach you with three examples, where you should look for and how to correct it. If you understand this and can apply it to your images you will have a so much more realistic images, compared to those who don’t know what they are doing and hardly use color correction.

The other main topic of the tutorial is the creation of realistic reflections without making use of a mirror. In two examples, we also work this out. Together with my Basic tutorial a must have for everybody that wants to create realistic composites.

Take control over your fantasy and images. Don’t let the technique control you! ;)

Realistic compositions - Giants
The video tutorial Giants is a five and a half hour lesson in how to create real looking giants by composing several images till one new realistic composition. For this tutorial you will need at least Photoshop CS5. This is because we use in this tutorial the Puppet warp tool. With older versions you can also follow the tutorial, except the part of the Puppet warp tool. In this tutorial will be explained how to create depth by adding haze and the finishing touch will be slightly different with Google (Nik) color efex compared to the tutorial Realistic compositions - Basics.

Extra: In the video tutorial Giants we don't create one composite but two!! At the end we create another composite, but this time a image with a giant from a different angle. This extra composite will be created at a higher speed and lastst around one hour.

Realistic compositions - Basics
In this tutorial all the basics will be explained about how I create a realistic composite without any secrets. About the angle of your camera, the focus lenght, shadows etc. I also explain how most of my images get that special 3D feeling by dodge and burning. This tutorial is more than four and a half hour long.

Composite set - Volume 1
The composite set consists of 78 dng files (40mp) and can be used for creating your own composites by mixing the different images. Almost all images are shot with the same light direction, so easy to match with eachother. Compared to many stock sites the images in this set are not jpg's but dng files. This means that you can process them in the way that you want because all the color information is still there and you get much more detail out of a single image.

Realistic Compositions - Light and Fire

Welcome to my most spectacular tutorial till now. With limited resources I will show how to create an awesome picture. Enjoy!!

In this tutorial I will introduce you to DAZ3D. This is free 3D design software. I will tell you briefly what you can do with it and how you can use it to create awesome, realistic scenes, by combining your renders with real photos. More or less like they do in Hollywood, except, we are using photos instead of movies. Just like I did in this tutorial with the Trex.

The beautiful Borobudur put in the light
Sometimes you arrive at a place that is special, but where the light is just not as you intended it to be. Adrian shows you that this doesn't have to be a problem. For example, by adding another sky, a mist and a warm colour, you can easily create a beautiful incidence of light, in which case the largest Buddhist monument in the world, the Borobudur, is depicted even more spectacularly. Adrian will show you what it takes.

Shooting Santa Claus for a cover
Adrian's in the Christmas spirit! And let this video be a subject that is Christmas related! Adrian had to shoot a cover for a magazine entirely in the Christmas style. And well... let Santa Claus be a friend of his... After shooting a few portraits, Adrian sets to work with Photoshop to deliver a high-quality cover for this magazine. With this video he takes you from the complete light set-up to the complete image processing.

Flooded Amsterdam
In this video, digital artist Adrian shows how he created the image of Flooded Amsterdam. He focuses on the interaction between water and the environment. He also shows how the water splashes can be made freestanding so that the whole scene comes across as credible.

Adrian Sommeling - MEGA BUNDLE: ALL IN ONE SET! (Updated 2020)




Realistic Compositions Workshop: Basics links are dead
13 April 2020 06:53
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