Udemy - Land Your Dream Job in Social Work

Udemy - Land Your Dream Job in Social Work

Language: English (US)

Learn to create top-shelf applications, ace interviews, and make networking a breeze.


Earn more. Increase your impact. Find a job you love.

With this course--specifically tailored to the needs of social workers--you will learn the step-by-step skills to land your dream job.

My name is Jacob, and I am a former social work professor who has reviewed hundreds of résumés and cover letters, and I eventually made a career pivot from academia to entrepreneurship. I began my company, The Versatile Social Worker, to help social workers like you reach their potential. I have seen my clients go from frustration (application after application after application...) to elation in short amounts of time by using simple, proven strategies. In this course, you'll learn exactly what it takes to land your dream job.

In this course you will learn to:

  • Create a razor-sharp résumé

  • Craft an expert cover letter

  • Ace the interview

  • Maximize your LinkedIn profile

  • Network like a pro

  • Win the salary negotiation

All that, PLUS you'll receive 6 templates/resource documents to give you a leg-up in your job search and networking:

  • Résumé template (x2)

  • Cover letter template

  • Template for LinkedIn Connect Requests

  • Questions to ask in interviews

  • Questions you'll be asked in interviews

See what my clients have to say:

"I landed my current job within 6 weeks of working with [Jacob]."


"Jacob's advice on writing concisely...helped get me past the first round of application review. And last week I found out that I actually received the offer for this dream position of mine within the Department of Health and Human Services."


Udemy - Land Your Dream Job in Social Work

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