How To Draw Heads & Faces Workshop: Portrait, Profile & Three Quarter Views

 How To Draw Heads & Faces Workshop: Portrait, Profile & Three Quarter Views

Would you like to consistently draw heads and faces that look correct?

This class teaches you how to do exactly that, by taking you through the step by step, method of construction for the portrait, profile and three quarter views of the head - with real time demonstrations that you can actually keep up with.

By the end of this course, you'll know how to sketch a proportionally accurate foundation for your head drawings, plot out the placement of the facial features and define the shape of the head from these standard points of view.


Here's what the class covers:

  • Front View of The Male and Female Head
  • Side View of The Make and Female Head
  • Three Quarter View of The Male and Female Head

The portrait, profile and three quarter views of the human head and face are perfect for learning the basics. You'll get a foundational skill set for drawing heads, that'll aid you even when drawing drawing them in perspective, on more dynamic angles.

Whether you're a comic book artist, illustrator, concept artist or fine artist - you'll benefit from taking this class if your goal is to draw great looking heads.

This class is designed for you to be able to follow along at your own pace, sketchbook and pencil in hand, so that by the end, you've drawn up your own front, side and three quarter view headshots. If you actively engage with these lessons, and put what you learn into practice, you should see real results by the time you're done.

 How To Draw Heads & Faces Workshop: Portrait, Profile & Three Quarter Views


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