Mixing Skin Tones for Stylised Characters Using Watercolours

 Mixing Skin Tones for Stylised Characters Using Watercolours


If you struggle with figuring out what colours to use for mixing skin tones, then this class is for you.

This class goes through the basics of watercolours, aiming at simplifying portrait painting, and sharing techniques that are suitable for stylised characters.

Arielle will be sharing the techniques she had learnt from experimenting with watercolours. She will show you the tips and tricks that she uses to paint people.

In this class you will learn:

  • How to select the colours for mixing skin tones

  • Watercolour layering techniques to build portrait paintings

  • Watercolour effects for skin textures and vibrant hair

  • Tips for creating a portrait with multiple people

  • How to transfer sketches onto watercolour paper

For the class project, you will demonstrate the skills you have learnt in the class, as well as creating a whimsical group portrait that can be a gift for someone, too.

 Mixing Skin Tones for Stylised Characters Using Watercolours

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