Data Structures in C++ (2022)
Data Structures in C++ (2022)
The Essential Computer Science and Coding Interview Bootcamp


This course is an excellent introduction to Data Structures. A lot of times, programmers aren't able to grasp the underlying principles of various Data Structures they so often use while coding. This course teaches them exactly those fundamentals through detailed lecture scribes.

The course stuffs tons of computer science and interview preparation material into visually engaging lecture scribes. Many of my in-person students have been able to crack some of the most difficult coding interviews at companies like Amazon, Tesco, Google, Microsoft and Facebook. Even advanced concepts are explained through easy to understand animations and step by step code explanations.

The topic of Recursion is thoroughly explained, covering every basic concept that a student would need to understand it. Various different ways of solving the same problem are provided along with the time and space complexity of each approach. We discuss which data structure is most suitable for what type of coding problems. We learn how to traverse the different data structures, inserting & deleting data from them, searching for information through them and efficiently sorting them. Arrays, Strings, Linked Lists, Trees, and Graphs are explained in a very easy to understand language. The course is important for anyone who wants to learn Dynamic Programming.

Here's what that makes this course exceptional:

  • Well developed animated Lecture scribes explain every concept in detail.

  • Interactive course that helps students test the knowledge they just gained through lecture scribes.

  • Every coding problem has a complete scribe walkthrough video as well as accompanying solution file with complete code.

  • Helpful "tips and tricks" to solve common problems.

  • The course is full of animations and beautiful diagrams.

Are you looking to become excellent at acing Data Structures interview questions? Sign up today!

Data Structures in C++ (2022)

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