Udemy - How To Design for Accessibility: for UX Designers (WCAG 2.2)
Udemy - How To Design for Accessibility: for UX Designers (WCAG 2.2)


Accessibility and Usability Best Practices for UX and UI Designers (User Experience + WCAG 2.2, Section 508, ADA)

What you'll learn

How to specifically design for accessibility (the essentials for designers - UX, UI, and Product)

The top 51 best practices and strategies for designing for accessibility (plus usability & SEO)

Accessible color contrast & color independence

Accessible wording - Verb or noun, short or medium labels, are "read more" links bad, and more

Accessible styling - Border radius, capitalization, fill & color, shadow & elevation, competition, proximity

Designing accessible error messages, menu items, links, progress trackers

Designing accessible charts, graphs, and other data visualizations

Designing amazing signifiers (aka perceived affordances) for accessibility

Accessible interaction states and the 10 states to design (focus, hover, etc)

How to combine accessibility tactics

Accessibility mistakes to avoid

Accessibility Fundamentals - The who, what, 



Do you want to easily design accessible interfaces for digital products?


But maybe you’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of information out there about accessibility, or don’t know where to start for just the design side of things?


As a seasoned User Experience (UX) designer, experienced with Accessibility, I'm here to solve these issues for you! (Also, if you need to learn about WCAG 2.1 / 2.2 or your country's legal requirements this course has you covered! E.g. the U.S.'s Section 508 and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), India's Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW) and Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPwD Act), the European Union's Web Accessibility Directive (EN 301 549) Web Accessibility Directive (2016/2102) and European Accessibility Act (2019/882), the United Kingdom's Equality Act (2010), or any others that are based on/reference the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)


Udemy - How To Design for Accessibility: for UX Designers (WCAG 2.2)


the-ux-designers-accessibility-guide.part1.rar - 5.0 GB

the-ux-designers-accessibility-guide.part2.rar - 3.2 GB

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