Create Authentic Mixed Media Art Journal Pages In Procreate
Create Authentic Mixed Media Art Journal Pages In Procreate
Instructions for Painting and Using Specialty Markers with 20 Brushes Included


I have spoken about a “Daily Art Practice” before, and I wanted to give you another experience with mixed media art in Procreate. This class, Create an Authentic Art Journal Page in Procreate, was a class I created just after having major surgery, and I swear it helped me recover more quickly. I personally find that painting and drawing are great stress relievers. And when it is digital art you’re creating, you will never run out if supplies and traditional materials! You can literally be producing this art anywhere and when you are done, just close your iPad. No fuss. No muss. It is a great place to experiment with new techniques and materials too, without breaking the bank. Spending a little money on brushes is far less expensive than visiting the art store for materials, supplies and tools! (Download the class resources here).

Create Authentic Mixed Media Art Journal Pages In Procreate

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