Gumroad – Hard Surface in ZBrush

Gumroad – Hard Surface in ZBrush
Have you ever found that the tools you use limit your ability to concept in 3D?

Well in this 3 part tutorial, Ill walk you through a new more fluid toolset and show you the process I use to achieve hard surface results in ZBrushes Dynamesh feature.



In part 1, I will give you a complete walk through of all the tools I use, the logic behind them, as well as show you examples of how id use them in my process.


In part 2, I will break down my previous BB-L Radio design piece by piece, and show you in real time exactly how I went about constructing the model in Dynamesh.


And in part 3, you can watch it all come together in a 3 hour time lapse where I make the BB- S Radio from start to finish. interspersed with talks about the software, my design process, and keeping your mesh clean for renders.

Gumroad – Hard Surface in ZBrush

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