Udemy - Unreal Engine 5 Dedicated Servers with AWS and GameLift
Udemy - Unreal Engine 5 Dedicated Servers with AWS and GameLift


Build UE5 Dedicated Servers with Cloud Backend - Databases, User Pools, Virtual Machine Hosting, all on the Free Tier!

What you'll learn

Compile Unreal Engine from source and package dedicated servers

Integrate your Unreal Engine game project with cloud backend services

Save persistent data to cloud databases from within Unreal Engine

Create secure user pools for your games so players can log in from within the game

Create Dedicated Server-hosted lobbies

Manage game sessions with Amazon GameLift

Learn cloud architecture and become an AWS cloud architect


This course uses the AWS Free Tier!


Have you ever wondered how you can let your players launch your game, and connect directly with a server, playing in multiplayer with other players right away?

Or perhaps how you can allow your players to create user accounts for your game, with username, password and email? How do games allow you to sign up for a new user account, receiving a 6 digit verification code in their email, allowing them verify their account for your game?


Have you ever wondered how to save player data in databases, so they can see their achievements in the game, showing their progress, skill level, items, or stats from previous matches? Or how leaderboards are made, showing the top scoring players who play the game across the planet?


How can you run dedicated servers that players can connect to? How can you set up servers in different regions around the globe, providing access to your game to players in different countries, allowing them to enjoy gameplay with the lowest possible ping times? And how to make competitive multiplayer games fair to all players, with an authoritative server optimized to manage server operations, reduce lag and provide a consistent and performant experience for everyone?


This course is a masterclass for dedicated servers and cloud backend for unreal engine games.


By the end of this course, you will be able to:


Compile Unreal Engine from source, create client and server build targets, and package dedicated server and client builds of your game


Integrate the GameLift Server SDK into your game to connect with GameLift


Learn how to make API calls with the AWS (command-line interface)


Host dedicated servers, both on your own machine and on cloud-hosted virtual machines (and you’ll know what those are)


Learn how to create serverless functions (in AWS Lambda) to access cloud resources and use AWS SDKs


Create secure user pools, where your game's players can create their own login/password, with email verification with Amazon Cognito


Implement security, requiring temporary access tokens granted via user pool login in order to perform game actions


Create your own REST API with endpoints that can be accessed via HTTP request, and secure them to require authentication tokens using Amazon API Gateway


Learn about HTTP requests and how to send them from Unreal Engine C++ code, triggering serverless functions and accessing cloud resources


Learn about formatting JSON data for HTTP requests, and Unreal's JSON utilities for conversion from JSON to USTRUCTs for ease of use of data retrieved from the cloud


Create NoSQL databases, storing persistent game data for players, including game stats, career, and leaderboard info using the DynamoDB, a high-speed, highly optimized system for storing data to databases


Implement game lobbies, managed by dedicated servers, displaying player names and efficiently replicating lobby data with Fast Array Serializers


Create a sign up/login menu with email verification for new users, and a game Access Portal where we can view Career and Leaderboard data, as well as launch the game lobby


Learn AWS best practices when it comes to security, Identity and Access Management, Identity Center, Roles, Policies, and Permissions


Learn how to access the AWS documentation for all AWS APIs and how to easily use them to create code to create, access, and manipulate data on the cloud


Create and manage Game Sessions and Player Sessions in Amazon GameLift


Create Server and Client packaged builds of your game, and connect to the server from client builds without any external tools (just launch the game, sign-in in the game, connect in the game)


Connect to cloud services without even being connected to a game server (single-player games)


Closely monitor your aws billing and management console and setup billing alarms


Udemy - Unreal Engine 5 Dedicated Servers with AWS and GameLift


Unreal_Engine_5_Dedicated_Servers_with_AWS_and_GameLift.part1.rar - 5.0 GB

Unreal_Engine_5_Dedicated_Servers_with_AWS_and_GameLift.part2.rar - 5.0 GB

Unreal_Engine_5_Dedicated_Servers_with_AWS_and_GameLift.part3.rar - 5.0 GB

Unreal_Engine_5_Dedicated_Servers_with_AWS_and_GameLift.part4.rar - 4.3 GB

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