UE5 Environment Art for All Levels A Comprehensive Course
Create amazing landscapes, and versatile materials, using UE5 to further your game development.


Learning Unreal Engine can be difficult. Especially when you don’t know what to even look for in order to learn. So I put together a course that will guide you from a beginners level, all the way to advanced topics. Not only to teach you, but to give you direction on what you may be interested in studying further.

I'll show you custom materials for trees. And how to create effects like waterfalls. I'll introduce you to cameras, and particle systems. And will focus on teaching you step by step how to create new types of materials and how to incorporate them into your landscapes. From the basic painting of landscapes, to auto materials, to advanced material layers. I show you everything you'll need to make stunning art. This is an environment art course, but we will not be focusing on modeling hard surface objects like buildings. I will go over creating foliage like trees, as well as show you how to create rocks. I will be bringing in some photoscanned assets for composing our scenes, via quixel. Quixel is a photoscan library free to use in Unreal engine. I’ll use my own assets later on, and show you how to mix Quixel’s textures with your own models to make great looking materials. So lets get to it!



UE5 Environment Art for All Levels A Comprehensive Course

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