30 Day Watercolor Challenge : Learn to Paint 30 Easy Winter Landscapes

Have you recently indulged in a moment just for yourself? Art, surprisingly, is a powerful form of self-care.

Daily, I find inspiration in a multitude of things, prompting me to dedicate a bit of time to daily art practice. This routine has remarkably advanced my skills and brings me a tranquil sense of peace at the close of each day.


Watercolor is a truly remarkable medium, offering pure joy as you wet the paper and witness the mesmerising blends and effects that unfold. Join me on a creative journey for 30 Days and Discover the joy of painting with watercolor, In this 30 day challenge we are going to try 30 easy yet beautiful winter landscapes. 

In this class, I will guide you through 30 days of painting winter watercolor landscapes. The projects I have chosen are truly beautiful and I bet you'll have an incredible time each day as you discover new techniques, color combinations, tips and tricks.


 30 Day Watercolor Challenge : Learn to Paint 30 Easy Winter Landscapes

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