Acrylic Landscape - Quick & Easy Ways To Make Your Painting Loose!

In this class, I will be teaching you how to paint a quick and easy 'Loose Acrylic Landscape.' Learn how to break down shapes and simplify your painting using a reference photo. Will walk you through this painting step by step, this class is great for all levels. 

A former art teacher and now an independent full-time artist, I am so excited to be teaching on Skillshare and I truly hope you find this corner of your space comforting, inspiring, and encouraging! Can't wait to connect with you all!



  • Prepping your canvas and materials – I will show you how to prep your canvas before painting and all the brushes and paints you will need for this project.
  • Brush marks – I will demonstrate basic brush techniques that will be used in today’s class project.
  • Color mixing - will show you variations of color mixing to get darks and lights. 
  • Dimension / Form – I will teach you the basics of achieving form in any shape based on color and value.
  • Painting process and details – I will teach you how you can layer and build your colors to add definition to you painting.

 Acrylic Landscape - Quick & Easy Ways To Make Your Painting Loose!

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