Daisy Watercolor Class (How to Paint Daisy in Loose Watercolor Style)

Welcome to my newest class! I'm Jenny and for this class, I'm going to teach you the EASY yet AESTHETIC way of painting Loose Daisy in Watercolor.

We'll go through all the essential watercolor theories, the right brush strokes and of course, this is not my class if we won't mix some vintage colors.

Specifically for this class, I'll be sharing with you some color recipes for vintage whites as well as my favorite direct tube white and beige shades from different brands!


At the end of this class, we will paint 2 beautiful and frame-worthy Daisy compositions that you can surely display on the walls of your home!

So whether you're a beginner or someone who got experience with watercolor already, I'm sure you'll en enjoy this class!



  • Complete list of materials I use and materials I suggest

  • Specific colors I'll use for the class

  • Color Recipe: Mixing vintage shades + revealing my secret colors

  • Discussion about water and color ratio

  • Discussion about watercolor techniques

  • Brushstrokes and brush markings

  • Painting watercolor leaves

  • Painting Daisy in front view

  • Painting Daisy in side view

  • Painting bouquet fillers

  • Painting Daisy Watercolor Bouquet

  • Painting Daisy Watercolor Wreath

  • Bonus lecture on how to turn your painting into a phone case!

 Daisy Watercolor Class (How to Paint Daisy in Loose Watercolor Style)

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