Watercolor Landscapes for Beginners
 Watercolor Landscapes for Beginners

Just getting started on your journey with watercolor and interested in learning how to paint landscapes? Or perhaps you're a bit more advanced and are looking to improve your techniques or your process for painting nature scenes?

If you're in either camp, this course is for you!

✱ What You'll Learn:

  • My simple process for painting great-looking watercolor landscapes 
  • How to choose colors and prepare color mixtures for a smoother painting process and better results
  • How I combine wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry techniques in one same piece
  • How to layer watercolor effectively (without overworking your painting)
  • How to actually use Aerial Perspective to create a believable sense of open space and depth in a nature scene painting
  • My process for creating preliminary pencil sketches for watercolor paintings
  • Much more!

✱ Supplies you'll need:

  • Drawing pencil 
  • Soft graphite eraser
  • Kneaded eraser
  • Watercolor paper (Suggested: Cold Press, 140 lbs.)
  • Watercolor paint set
  • Watercolor brushes (Large, medium, and small)
  • Container of water
  • Mixing palette
  • Absorbent towel or regular kitchen paper towels
  • Masking tape or artist's tape
  • Backing board
  • Scrap pieces of watercolor paper
  • Optional: Tracing paper

Watercolor Landscapes for Beginners

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