2D Platformer Game Development Crash Course for Unity 2022
2D Platformer Game Development Crash Course for Unity 2022
Unity GameDev from Scratch to Create Platformer Characters and Game Mechanics


Learn how to create a 2D platformer game inside of Unity 2022. This course shows you how to build player and enemy characters for movement and combat within a side scrolling platformer game. Much of the course is dedicated to understanding Animators in unity as we build out full animation state machines for both the player and enemy characters. To go along side the states and transitions are StateMachineBehaviour scripts which let you queue up changes and effects for your characters when entering or leaving states. For instance, this is very helpful when you want to make a character jump upon entering a jump state when the jump action is pressed on your keyboard. To make player input go smoothly, we use the new InputSystem to set keybinds to actions and respond to those actions triggering through UnityEvents. To make the game more complete, we make use of Cinemachine follow camera, parallax background, health pickups, sound, and tilesets to continue building out our demo game. Many of the scripts are intentionally designed to be reusable like the Damageable script which lets any character take damage or be healed on triggering events.The final course project with all source files are provided in the course for you to use or reference in any of your own projects!Player Controller, Movement and PhysicsAnimation State Machines for Players and Enemy CharactersDealing Damage to Player and Enemy CharactersWorking with Tilemaps and Tilesets to Build Game LevelsBasic Enemy AI PatternsRanged AttacksAerial AttacksCombo AttacksAnimationStateBehaviours for triggering changes on eventsHealing Health PickupsMusic & SoundHow to Export a GameCinemachine Follow CameraInput System Actions and UnityEvents for handling player inputFloating damage textAnd more...

2D Platformer Game Development Crash Course for Unity 2022

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