Wingfox – Cinematic Scene Rendering with Clarisse


Wingfox – Cinematic Scene Rendering with Clarisse

The Clarisse tutorial presents to you:

* The basics and case analysis of the Clarisse rendering software, plus the basics of Python.

* The design mindset and practical techniques for movie scene production.

* Solution to large-scale scene production based on 10+ years of CG work experience.

* High-end CG scene planning and arrangement, plants making, material, lights and techniques to create a vibe.




  • Content: HD tutorial
  • Duration: 23hours
  • Software: Clarisse ; Maya ; Worldcreator ; Speedtree ; CityEngine ; Zbrush ; Photoshop ; Nuke
  • System: No limits
  • Project file: Files for mode assets(buildings in the coastal island NOT INCLUDED)&Clarisse project files


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