The Complete 3D Monster Modelling Series for NFT & Metaverse
The Complete 3D Monster Modelling Series for NFT & Metaverse
Modelling 3D NFT & METAVERSE Projects, Learn to Design Profitable Fantastic Monsters NFT & Metaverse Art With Blender 3D


In this course, we will model an amazing Four 3D fantasy Monster with you. We will get to know the Blender 3D program, then we will make perfect models. This course is an excellent resource for anyone who loves to learn and wants to improve their 3D modeling field. 3D modeling is mainly used in animation movies, games, VFX (Visual Effects) creation, NFT collections and Metaverse Projects. Blender, on the other hand, is one of the incredible software that can do excellent work in all these areas. Plus Blender is completely FREE!


In this course, we will create models for NFT and Metaverse projects with Blender 3D, one of the 3D modelling programs.


Now, if you are ready, let's move on to the most frequently asked questions.


What is NFT?


The technology known as NFT, that is, Non-Fungible Token, proves the belonging of a picture, video, the sound or physical entity it represents. In other words, it helps us to own all virtual content. As a matter of fact, this technology is not so new, NFTs, whose foundations were laid in Ethereum in 2017, have become one of the most popular topics in the crypto money industry in 2021.


After completing this course, you will receive a certificate of attendance for completing the course!


So what is the difference between NFTs?


Friends, NFTs cannot be divided, reproduced or repeated. In other words, content produced and sold in this way cannot be thousands like cryptocurrencies. Every NFT is special and therefore carries great meaning. The uniqueness of NFTs makes them much, much more meaningful. For example, cryptocurrencies such as BTC and ETH can be transferred by dividing them into fractions, while NFT is bought and sold alone as a whole.


So how are NFTs produced?


As it is known, NFTs are produced according to the ERC-721 token standard prepared by Ethereum developers. NFT trading can be carried out on special platforms established for NFTs by avoiding the intense code complexity of the IT world.


NFT is a digital asset so you need a digital blockchain wallet for that. For this, the widely used METAMASK wallets can be preferred. We have covered the METAMASK wallet setup in detail in our courses. We invite everyone who does not want to miss the train on NFTs to our platform. After you upload the file you want to print as NFT to the IPFS system via these platforms, you need to provide some information for this NFT. You should write information such as NFT sales price, name, number. Once the transaction is complete, your content is transferred to the relevant wallet and saved on your preferred blockchain network.

The Complete 3D Monster Modelling Series for NFT & Metaverse

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