Learn To Draw a Female Torso (For Artists)
 Learn To Draw a Female Torso (For Artists)
In this class you're going to learn how to draw and simplify drawing female torso's!

Here's what you'll learn...

- how to break areas of the torso down using simple shapes

- how to draw different female body types

- how to use those simple shapes to construct realistic torso proportions for a variation of different female 

body types

- simple tricks to easily make our torso's look even better

- how to draw female torso's from different angles front, back side, three quarter etc

- mapping out areas that provide a great base for drawing features on our torso's

- easy techniques to keep your torso drawings and features in proportion even when drawing them

from different angles

and finally a useful summary that gives you even more understanding, knowledge and skill when it comes to drawing your torso's and mapping out proportions.

 Learn To Draw a Female Torso (For Artists)

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