Level Up Your Drawing: Unlock Your Skills with the Foundation Lines Method
 Level Up Your Drawing: Unlock Your Skills with the Foundation Lines Method

Do you like drawing, but you feel like you’ve hit a bit of a wall when it comes to getting better? Do you look at others’ drawings and wonder “Wow, how do they draw that”? I want to share this drawing technique with you that was a game-changer for me: foundation lines.

This class will show you how to use this foundation lines (or construction lines) technique, and help you to apply it to whatever it is that you want to draw. You’ll learn to hone your observation skills, which helps your brain ‘translate’ to your hand what to draw, whether you’re drawing from life or from memory or imagination. Along the way, you’ll also draw lots of different figures and objects to increase your visual vocabulary.

What you’ll learn

  • How to practice better observation and see 'inside-out', rather than outside-in. It sounds weird, but this can unlock better drawing technique and confidence straight away.
  • How to use layering techniques to 'build up' your drawing in progressive sets of lines and shapes
  • How to apply the foundation lines method to both analog and digital drawing
  • How to draw what you want from memory better and faster, wherever you use drawing; for fun, for work, or for anything else!

 Level Up Your Drawing: Unlock Your Skills with the Foundation Lines Method

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