Masterclass 3: Drawing, Design and Creativity with Color Pencil and Pastels - Textures & Styles

This masterclass of drawing, design and creativity with color pencil and pastels will teach you everything you need to know to master your color pencil drawings.

This class will focus on Textures and Styles and take you through

In this class you will learn:

Following a new, original and effective teaching method called BTTVC: you will learn the Basics and all the Techniques, Transfer your skills, Visualise and use your Creativity
Drawing and shading fabric with different techniques
How to create textures
How to draw landscapes with certain styles
Understand how to draw expressive lines with hachure and hatching techniques
How to come up with your own individual design styles to create your own original artworks
Creative approach to drawing facial features such as eyes and lips
How to use other pencil versions such as watercolour pencils
Using a creative approach to your color pencils will give your drawings a very personal and unique touch. It’s important to give texture and the correct shadings to all of your artworks.

This course will take you through 5 individual classes, the ideal journey for you to master your color pencil drawings are as follows:

Masterclass of drawing, design and creativity with color pencil and pastels: Basics & techniques
Masterclass of drawing, design and creativity with color pencil and pastels: Shapes & Forms
Masterclass of drawing, design and creativity with color pencil and pastels: Textures & styles (current class)
Masterclass of drawing, design and creativity with color pencil and pastels: Design & creativity
Masterclass of drawing, design and creativity with color pencil and pastels: Advanced level
In every class there will be bonus topic sessions, focusing on artistic talks. Covering many topics such as how to "produce more art", "get into art galleries", "creating a portfolio" and much more.

This class will provide you with the correct design tips and techniques to make your artworks stand out as professional and unique.

So make yourself a warm cup of tea, gather your color pencils (any brand would be fine) and get ready to learn some new skills in a fun and relaxing environment!

Masterclass 3: Drawing, Design and Creativity with Color Pencil and Pastels - Textures & Styles

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