Archviz in Blender 2.80 / Class 3: Lighting & Materials

Archviz in Blender 2.80 / Class 3: Lighting & Materials

In this 3rd class you'll learn how to set base lighting to your project using HDRI environment to achieve photorrealistic results and other different methods of lighting your interiors.


We will also take a look on how to set up your materials (floor and walls in this case) with proffesional textures, using Color, Roughness/Glossines, Bump, and Normal maps to achieve more realism in a fast and accurate way. As well as some trick for the window glass! 

On the other hand, you'll learn how to add a background image to the scene to nail the overal realism and sell better the image.

Archviz in Blender 2.80 / Class 3: Lighting & Materials

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