Build a Professional Website with Wordpress (within 30 minutes!)

 Build a Professional Website with Wordpress (within 30 minutes!)
In this course you will learn how to build a professional looking website from scratch - ideal for the absolute beginner! This course will help anyone who wants to build a website for their business, hobby, interest, or blog.

Build a Great Looking Website for your Business. No need to hire a Web Developer.

  • Find out how to purchase a domain name

  • Learn how to set up web hosting

  • Learn the basics of creating a website using WordPress

Vastly improve your skills at creating Websites

Over the past 20 years the internet has revolutionised how we communicate. Meaning that we can share our hobbies and interests with others, or if you own a business, advertise you business online - the first place most will look at for more information. 

This course therefore will show you how to build a professional looking website that you will be proud for customers, friends, and family to view.

 Build a Professional Website with Wordpress (within 30 minutes!)

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