Let\'s Draw Birds with Personality

Let's Draw Birds with Personality
English | 26m | Video: 720p

Learn to draw a variety of stylized birds. I will teach you a modular approach that utilizes basic shapes for the body, wings, eyes, beaks and legs. Then I will show you how to combine the shapes to create unique birds.

I want to empower you to use your imagination to create your own unique creatures. In the resources section you’ll find downloads that enable you to mix and match elements to depict a bird. You can also think of the Mix and Match sheets as bird drawing recipes. 

All that you need to take this class is a pencil, an eraser, paper and a black pen. If you choose to do the bonus section on color you will need markers or watercolor in at least two colors.

More info - https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Lets-Draw-Birds-with-Personality/1492536019?via=search-layout-grid

 Let's Draw Birds with Personality

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