From Sketch to Screen: Design Quirky Critters Using Adobe Illustrator
 From Sketch to Screen: Design Quirky Critters Using Adobe Illustrator
English | 1hr 35m | Video: 720p
Exploring kids design is a satisfying way to add playfulness and fun to your day.  Because this type of design trends on simplified, whimsical characters - it is accessible to anyone who wants to dip their feet into it!

In this class we'll be exploring kids design and designing our own character from sketch through a finalized design using Adobe Illustrator. 

We'll be covering:

  • Simplified drawing techniques (focusing on whimsical animal characters and some floral elements)
  • How to transfer your sketch into Adobe Illustrator using your phone or camera 
  • Getting familiar with our workspace in Adobe Illustrator 
  • How to set your own custom color palette in Illustrator 
  • How to draw your character using the pencil tool in Illustrator 
  • Adding fun details to your character like texture (and making a clipping mask) 
  • How to use image trace in Illustrator 

Materials you'll need:

  • Access to Adobe Illustrator 
  • A smartphone or camera (and a way to transfer your image from camera to computer - bet it a dropbox, email, airdrop, etc.) 
  • Pencil 
  • Paper 
  • Black pen or thin black marker (I use the Sakura Micron size 03) - but anything with a fine / semi fine tip that creates a saturated line will likely work


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 From Sketch to Screen: Design Quirky Critters Using Adobe Illustrator

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