How To Be Awesome At Your Job
CreativeLive - How To Be Awesome At Your Job
Work can be full of slights and stresses, irritants and indignities. Are you working long hours but constantly being skipped over for promotions? Does someone in the office hate you no matter how hard you try to be liked? Do you get nervous before a presentation and feel awkward during meetings?


In this class, you’ll learn how to:


  • Improve your communication skills, including writing better emails and making effective presentations.
  • Get your job done faster and more efficiently so you never have to work past 5:00 pm again.
  • Deal with people who don’t like you or are difficult to work with.
  • Understand office code words and catchphrases, such as “How’s it going?”
  • Get the promotion you deserve.
  • Leave work at work.

CreativeLive - How To Be Awesome At Your Job

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