Themeforest - Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 9207399 v6.12.0 - Nulled

Themeforest - Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 9207399 v6.12.0 - Nulled


how to null porto theme!

To null the theme, in the file inc/admin/admin.php find the function check_purchase_code Line 91 and after line 91 add this code:

<p>return "verified";</p>

Now use any key to activate the theme.

Upload the demo zips (not the single big zip file but the individual demo files) to your WP install wp-content/uploads/porto_demos (you will need to create this folder)

Then in the file porto/inc/plugins/importer/imported-api.php, comment out line 146 Find this

<p>$response = wp_remote_get( $url, $args );</p>


and change it to


<p>// $response = wp_remote_get( $url, $args );</p>


A few lines later (151) change


<p>$body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );</p>




<p>$body = file_get_contents('../wp-content/uploads/porto_demos/' . $this-&gt;demo . '.zip');</p>

Now you can install any of the demos.

Please note that you must have installed and activated any plugins necessary for the demo (it will tell you if you are missing a plugin when you go to install the demo)


Themeforest - Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 9207399 v6.12.0 - Nulled

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