ThemeForest - Torola v1.2.0 - Modern Photography Theme (Update: 6 February 19) - 21542569

ThemeForest - Torola v1.2.0 - Modern Photography Theme (Update: 6 February 19) - 21542569

Multiple Slideshows | Light/Dark Theme | Keyboard and Mousewheel Navigation | Horizontal Gallery | Justified Gallery | Landing Pages | Gallery and Portfolio Homepage | Youtube Homepage With Controls | Albums | Lightbox (Youtube, Vimeo, HTML5 support) | Personal Pages | Smart Grid For Galleries And Portfolios | 5 Project Pages | Filterable Portfolio | Handcrafted Design | Clean Code With Comments | Easy to customize | Fully responsive | Retina Ready | Working Contact Form | Google Map | Google Fonts | Responsive video | Powered with Bootstrap | Well Documented

ThemeForest - Torola v1.2.0 - Modern Photography Theme (Update: 6 February 19) - 21542569

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