ThemeForest - Selena v1.0 - Organic Responsive Prestashop Theme - 22977331

ThemeForest - Selena v1.0 - Organic Responsive Prestashop Theme - 22977331

Selena Prestashop Theme is a great store specialize in selling organic products such as cosmetic, food, nutritional food, nutritional drinks. Selena theme is the beautiful and fully responsive theme. Selena is the advanced theme with features that make Prestashop even more powerful. With green is main color and white background and black text, this Prestashop theme bring bright feeling and neat structure. Daily Deal module make customers concentrate on discount products with countdown timer which are styled beautifully. New, featured, bestseller, onsale are displayed in Products Slider. You also show products of each category in each tab with Category Tabs Slider module. You have many advertisement form such as Slideshow with big images, effects and usefultext ; Blog with posts; Testimonial. Blog and Testimonial are convenient tools to connect you with customers. Besides, Static Block is usually beautiful images with text on them to help viewers understand the products as well as the store’s promotion. Moreover, Products in the same category has integrated in Product page to improve your sales. Overall, Selena Responsive Prestashop theme is a suitable choice for your store!

ThemeForest - Selena v1.0 - Organic Responsive Prestashop Theme - 22977331

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