ThemeForest - Wenro v1.0 - Multipurpose Responsive Magento 2 Theme | 16 Homepages Fashion, Furniture, Digital and more - 18040962


ThemeForest - Wenro v1.0 - Multipurpose Responsive Magento 2 Theme | 16 Homepages Fashion, Furniture, Digital and more - 18040962


What do you think when hear "fashion", "furniture", "digital"? Outrageous clothing trends? Latest designs? Latest technology? You can sell all products above with Wenro Responsive Magento Theme. Wenro is a multipurpose magento template from our PlazaThemes. It's a fully responsive design with beautiful display on any devices such as mobiles, tablets, desktops,... Bring three main themes: fashion, digital, furniture with good features, Wenro is a great choice for you - smart shopkeepers. Header and footer are designed simply and small with Megamenu and icons.

ThemeForest - Wenro v1.0 - Multipurpose Responsive Magento 2 Theme | 16 Homepages Fashion, Furniture, Digital and more - 18040962

