ThemeForest - Ananke v1.0 - Parallax One Page HTML Template - 7392272


ThemeForest - Ananke v1.0 - Parallax One Page HTML Template - 7392272



Dark And Light Version | Home Fullscreen Slider | Home Fullscreen Video | Filterable Portfolio (fancybox and ajax single project) | Premium Slider - Slider Revolution $14 value | Premium Preloader - Royal Preloader $5 value | Unlimited Colors. Create your custom color scheme with only a few clicks! | 4 Portfolio Page Examples Built-In | On Scroll Effect Layout | Parallax Effects | Retina Ready | 150+ Animated SVG Icons | Smooth Scrolling | Responsive Design | Responsive Video Support | Google Fonts Support | Working PHP Contact Form | Built With HTML5 and CSS3 | 400+ Icons | Easy Setup | Unique Effects | CSS3 Animation | Includes Entire Font Awesome | Crossbrowser Compatible | Excellent Customer Support - We care about your site as much as you and will help in anyway possible | and many more...

ThemeForest - Ananke v1.0 - Parallax One Page HTML Template - 7392272

