ThemeForest - Ency v1.0.0 - Landing Page HTML Template - 25688631

ThemeForest - Ency v1.0.0 - Landing Page HTML Template - 25688631

Ency is a fully-featured responsive Bootstrap based HTML5 landing page template. It is easy to use this design. Also, it can be used for any activity. There are a lot of spaces for the information and a design is a great decision, if you want to present your personal information, CV or any activity on the internet in the modern way. This item is a HTML template, so it is fully adaptable for any purpose. Template is well structured. Also, the code is clean and up to standard. It has integrated GULP package for developers. So, the customization of this template is easy and fast. Ency has its own UI kit. It includes UI elements, components and utilities which let you represent or recreate project by your own needs.

ThemeForest - Ency v1.0.0 - Landing Page HTML Template - 25688631

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