Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ

Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ

All Paintings with Original Names, Dates and Infos, Portraits
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  • Vincent Willem van Gogh (Netherlandish Vincent Willem van Gogh, March 30, 1853, Groat Zyundert, near Breda, Netherlands - July 29, 1890, Auvers-sur-Oise, France) - the world famous Netherlandish painter, draftsman, etcher and lithographer One of the largest representatives of post-impressionism. The tragic life of Vincent Van Gogh's popular today as a kind of sacred legend, which seems to need people more than the glow of its stars and sunflowers. Hungry, almost miserable existence, full of loneliness and contempt of others, has turned into global boom and interest in the 20 century. In his lifetime, Van Gogh sold only one painting ("The Red Vineyard"), and exactly one hundred years in the auction Christie's in New York, his "Portrait of Dr. Gachet" was bought for 82.5 million dollars (a record among the paintings) . Against this background, an unhealthy worship of losing the look of the artist himself, powerful and vulnerable at the same time, completed his dramatic journey to the land of despair and suicide. Van Gogh lived only 37 years, of which only the last seven with a little focused on painting. However, his musical legacy is amazing. It's about a thousand pictures and almost as many paintings created by volcanic eruptions creative when during the long weeks, Van Gogh wrote to one or two paintings a day. Van Gogh was the last truly great artist in history, an unattainable example for others, selfless and heroic art which, like a torch, like a rainbow, shining now on humanity. His paintings are stunning, full of love and suffering of dialogue - with ourselves, with God, with the world ...

Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ
Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ
Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ
Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ
Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ
Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ
Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ
Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ
Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ
Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ
Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ
Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ
Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ


Childhood and adolescence:


  • Vincent van Gogh was born at 11 am March 30, 1853 in the village of Groot-Zyundert (Netherlandish Groot Zundert) in the province of North Brabant in the south of the Netherlands, near the Belgian border. Father Vincent was Theodore van Gogh, a Protestant pastor, and his mother - Anna Cornelia Karbentus, daughter of respected bookbinder and bookseller from The Hague. Vincent was the second of seven children of Theodore and Anna Cornelia. His name he received in honor of paternal grandfather, who also dedicated his life to the Protestant church. This name is intended for the first child of Theodore and Anna, who was born a year before Vincent died in the first day. So Vincent, although he was born the second, was the eldest of the children.
  • Four years after the birth of Vincent, May 1, 1857, was born, his brother Theodorus van Gogh (Theo). Apart from him, from Vincent's brother Cor (Cornelius Vincent, 17 May 1867) and three sisters - Anna Cornelia (17 February 1855), Liz (Elizabeth Hubert, 16 May 1859) and Wil (Villemina Jacob, March 16, 1862). Pets remember Vincent as a wayward, difficult and tedious a child with a "strange way", that was the cause of his frequent punishments. According to the governess, was it something strange, that set him apart from others: out of all her children Vincent was less than pleasant, and she did not believe that because he can get something worthwhile. Outside the family, on the contrary, Vincent shows the opposite side of his character - was a quiet, serious and thoughtful. He almost did not play with other children. In the eyes of fellow villagers, he was good-natured, friendly, attentive, compassionate, sweet and humble kid. When he was 7 years old, he went to the village school, but a year later he was taken out, and together with his sister Anna, he was educated at home by governesses. October 1, 1864, he went to boarding school in Zevenbergen, 20 km from home. Departure from home has caused much suffering to Vincent, he could not forget that, even as an adult. September 15, 1866 he began teaching at another boarding school - college Willem II in Tilburg. Well be given to Vincent languages - French, English and German. There he received lessons in drawing. In March of 1868, in the middle of the school year, Vincent suddenly dropped out of school and returned to his father's house. At the end of his formal education. About his childhood, he remembered this: "My childhood was bleak, cold and blank ...".

Working in a trading firm and missionary activity

  • In July 1869, Vincent finds a job in the Hague branch of the major art-trading firm Goupil & Cie, owned by his Uncle Vincent ("Uncle Cent"). There he received the necessary training as a dealer. In June 1873 he was transferred to the London branch of Goupil & Cie. Through daily contact with works of art Vincent began to look at art and appreciate it. In addition, he attended the city's museums, galleries, admiring the works of Jean-Francois Millet and Jules Breton. In London, Vincent becomes a successful dealer, and the age of 20 already earns more than his father. In late August, Vincent moved to Hackford Road 87 and rented a room in the house of Ursula Loyer and her daughter Eugenia. They say, Vincent was in love with Eugene, though many early biographers mistakenly called her name mother, Ursula. In addition to this confusion of names, which has existed for decades, recent studies indicate that Vincent was not at all in love with Eugene, but rather a German girl named Carolina Haanebik. What actually happened remains unknown. Disclaimer beloved shocked and disappointed Vincent, he gradually lost interest in his work and began to turn to the Bible. In 1874, Vincent was transferred to the Paris branch of the company, but after three months of work, he again left for London. Cases had walked all the worse, and in May 1875 he was again transferred to Paris. Here he visited the exhibition at the Salon and the Louvre. At the end of March 1876 he was dismissed from the firm Goupil & Cie. Moved by compassion and a desire to be useful to his neighbors, he decided to become a priest.
  • In 1876, Vincent returned to England, where he found unpaid work as a teacher in a boarding school in Remsgeyte. In July, Vincent moved to another school - in Ayslvorte (near London) where he performed the work teachers and assistant pastor. November 4 Vincent delivered my first sermon. His interest in the gospel grew, and he hit on the idea to preach to the poor.
  • At Christmas, Vincent went home, and parents urged him not to return to England. Vincent stayed in the Netherlands and in six months he worked in a bookshop in Dordrecht. This work was not to his soul; most of the time he spent making an outline, or translating passages from the Bible into German, English and French. Trying to support the desire to become Vincent's pastor, the family sent him in May 1877 in Amsterdam, where he lived with his uncle, Admiral Jan van Gogh. There he worked diligently under the guidance of his uncle Yoganessa Stricker, a respected and recognized theologian, preparing to take entrance exams at the university department of theology. Eventually he became disillusioned with school, dropped his studies and in July 1878 left Amsterdam. The desire to be useful to ordinary people sent it to the Protestant missionary school in Laeken at Brussels, where he held a three-month course of preaching.
  • In December 1878 he was sent for six months as a missionary in Borinazh, a poor mining district in southern Belgium. Seeing the poverty and desperation of the miners and their families, Vincent refused to all amenities and live match for the miners. He slept on the floor in a dilapidated, almost unheated shack, living hand to mouth, gave his possessions to the needy and spend their wages on medicines and food for the miners. Management of the church was so shocked by exorbitant attendance Vincent in the life of miners and released Vincent from missionary activity, because it undermines the dignity of the clergy. Despite orders, Vincent, weak and sick, yet continued missionary activity.

Becoming a painter

  • In 1880 Van Gogh turned to the arts, attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels (1880-1881) and Antwerp (1885-1886), enjoyed the advice of the painter A. Mahouve in The Hague, with a passion drew miners, farmers and artisans. In a series of paintings and sketches mid-1880. ("Peasant Woman", 1885, Museum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo, The Potato Eaters, 1885, State Museum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam), written in a dark painting scheme, marked painfully sharp perception of human suffering and feelings of depression, the artist recreated the oppressive atmosphere of psychological tension.
  • In 1886-1888, Van Gogh lived in Paris, attended a private art studio, studied painting Impressionism, Japanese prints, synthetic works by Paul Gauguin. During this period, Van Gogh's palette became brighter, disappeared earthy tone paint, there were clear blue, golden yellow, red color, characteristic of a dynamic, as it were, flowing stroke ("Bridge over the Seine, 1887, State Museum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam , "Pere Tanguy, 1887, Rodin Museum, Paris).

Recent years. Creativity flourished

  • In 1888 Van Gogh moved to Arles, where finally clear the originality of his creative manner. The fierce artistic temperament, the painful impulse to harmony, beauty and happiness and at the same time, the fear of hostile forces to man, are the embodiment of something shining in the sun paints the Southern landscape ("The Harvest. Valley of La Crau", 1888, National Museum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam ), the ominous, reminiscent of the nightmare images ("Night Cafe", 1888, Museum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo), the dynamics of color and stroke fills the spiritual life and the movement of not only nature and its people ("The Red Vineyard" 1888, State Museum of Fine Arts named after AS Pushkin, Moscow), but also inanimate objects ("Van Gogh's Bedroom at Arles, 1888, State Museum of Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam).
  • The hard work and racket Van Gogh (abused absinthe) in recent years have led to attacks of mental illness (eg, as a result of one of them an artist cut off his ear and presented it to a prostitute). This is a mental disorder and has led him to the hospital for the mentally ill in Arles (doctors diagnosed temporal lobe epilepsy "), then in Saint-Remy (1889-1890) and Auvers-sur-Oise, where he tried to commit suicide July 29, 1890 year. Going out for a walk with drawing materials, fired a pistol near her heart, and then returned and lay down in his bed, where he was discovered. According to his brother Theo (Theo), who was with Vincent in his last moments, the artist's last words were: La tristesse durera toujours («grief will last forever"). He died at 1:30 am July 29, 1890.


Vincent Willem van Gogh 1853-1890 All Known Paintings HQ

