All activation Windows 7-8-10 v17.0 | 490 MB

All the activation methods in this distribution are tested after the "anti-piracy" update. KB971033DG Win & Soft offers you a complete collection of programs and methods for activating Windows. All methods and programs have been verified personally by us many times and we can calmly recommend them to you.  

Software version: 17.0
Language: Russian / Multilanguage
Platform: x86 / x64
Author build / repack: Dead master
Medicine: Not required

System requirements: Windows (Vista), Windows (7), Windows (8), Windows (10).

What's new in the assembly

Updated KMS section
All new marked as (New)
Added build option in the form of installation executable file
List of programs
PIDKey v2.1.2.1017
MSActBackUp 1.1.0
Microsoft Product Keys 2.6.3
Re-Loader Activator 3.0 Beta 3
KMS Tools 12/10/2012 by Ratiborus (New)
KMSAuto Lite 1.3.3
KMSAuto Net 2016 1.5.1 2017
KMSmicro WO w7 v1. 0.1
KMSpico 10.2.0 Final
AAct v3.7 (New)
Windows 7 Loader eXtremev3.503
Re-Loader Activator 2.6 Final
Microsoft Toolkit 2.6.2
ODIN 1.3.7 by secr9tos
GUI MBR SLIC Loader 0.621 v1.2
Windows Loader v2.2
FAQ for creating the firmware
Programs for the firmware
Reset of the trial period (rearm)
Three-component activation


All activation Windows 7-8-10 v17.0

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