Overloud Gem Voice v1.0.1 Incl Keygen-R2R
Overloud Gem Voice v1.0.1 WIN OSX Incl Keygen-R2R
Team R2R | 19 Sep 2020 | WiN: 93.9MB | OSX: 125.0MB
A comprehensive vocal production plug-in based on analog processors.
VOICE is the new Gem plug-in designed for vocal processing.
VOICE offers a comprehensive and streamlined vocal production workflow, based on analog processors.

a Mic Preamplifier (4 models)
a Tape Simulator (3 tapes + 3 special modes)
a Vocal Enhancer
a De-Boxer and a De-Esser
a Dynamic Processor with compressors (5 models) and an expander-gate
an Equalizer (5 models)
a Space Processor / Reverb Unit
an Analog Delay
a Master Section with an optional Limiter
an inteactive Dynamic Display
an interactive EQ Display

Enjoy this true RSA3072 keygen!

home page: https://overloud.com/products/voice

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