Cisdem PDFConverter 3.1.0 (Mac OS X)
Cisdem PDFConverter 3.1.0 (Mac OS X) | 7 MB


Quickly and Accurately Convert PDF Files Into Editable Documents on Mac

Stop retyping PDF documents with complex layouts and graphics today. Use PDF Converter for Mac to Convert PDF files into Microsoft Word(.docx), PowerPoint(.pptx), ePub, RTFD, Text, HTML, Keynote, Pages, Images and more! — complete with the most accurate fully-formatted text content, layouts, formatting, columns, tables, and graphics.


Convert PDF Files to Word (.docx), PowerPoint (.pptx), RTFD, Text Format Files
    Change PDF to Microsoft Word (.docx) for flexible editing or content reusing.
    Convert PDF files to stunning presentations (.pptx) in minutes.
    Copy text content from PDF to Text (.txt) or Rich Text (.rtfd) without retyping manually.


Turn PDF Files to HTML and EPUB
    Convert PDF into HTML so as to publish and share PDF content on the web.
    Turn PDF to EPUB for better enjoying eBooks on EPUB-friendly devices like: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Nook Color, Nook Tablet, Sony Reader, iriver Story HD, Kobo, Android      phones, etc.


Convert PDF Files to iWork Formats
Convert PDF files into fully editable Keynote and Pages file types. This app intelligently builds paragraphs, creates tables and regroups independent graphics to re-create the intended layout of the original file.

Extract Picture from PDF Files
    Extract all pictures in PDF document and convert them to images in JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF and BMP format.
    Gives unique logical names to the image files so that you can easily relate the images back to the document.
    Images are saved in their original resolution and their true colors.


Requirement: OS X 10.8 or later

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Cisdem PDFConverter 3.1.0 (Mac OS X)

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