MacAppBlocker 2.8.1 (Mac OS X)
Mac App Blocker 3.1.5 (Mac OS X) | 8.5 MB


With Mac App Blocker, you can password-protect EACH application on your Mac. Keep your apps and your Mac safe. Kids, co-workers, family members, guests - no worries. You pick which apps will be protected and Mac App Blocker keeps them secure. Tracks failed attempts to access the protected apps - so you'll know when it happened with date, time, and optional photo capture. Optionally, unlock apps for specific days/times or when connected to approved networks.

How it works
Easy to setup and use. Mac App Blocker enables users to block access to Mac applications by placing them on a Blocked Apps list, which is password protected. A safer and more practical solution for ensuring privacy than creating multiple login accounts. Mac App Blocker allows users to share their computer or leave it unattended, while being assured that sensitive apps and documents cannot be opened. In addition, a timeout value may be assigned to each app on the list, so that the app will automatically close after a specified period of inactivity.

Set a schedule for each app (or All apps) to allow unblocked usage for specific days and times.

A failed attempt to access an app is recorded with the date, time, and optional photo (for iSight equipped Macs).

Mac Friendly
Does not modify any system or application files. Works with the apps and settings you currently use.

Automatic Exit
Set a timeout value to automatically exit inactive apps after the elapsed time expires. Great for Mac Mail and Safari.

Stealth Mode
Hide the icon and use a fake error message so the user won't know the app is blocked.

Additional Rules
Many options to control how and when blocked apps can be used.


Requires OS X 10.7 or later

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Mac App Blocker 3.1.5 (Mac OS X)
Mac App Blocker 3.1.5 (Mac OS X)

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