BlenderMarket - Not Important Studio - Nis Light Pack v1.1
BlenderMarket - Not Important Studio - Nis Light Pack v1.1
BlenderMarket - Not Important Studio - Nis Light Pack v1.1
BlenderMarket - Not Important Studio - Nis Light Pack v1.1
BlenderMarket - Not Important Studio - Nis Light Pack v1.1
BlenderMarket - Not Important Studio - Nis Light Pack v1.1
BlenderMarket - Not Important Studio - Nis Light Pack v1.1
We have meticulously photographed high dynamic range images of approximately 45 different light shapers from world-renowned brands such as Broncolor, Profoto, and Chimera. These were then transformed into emission-based lights, designed to cast beautiful reflections within your scenes. Not only do they provide immediate realism, but the shader-based lights have also been engineered for utmost flexibility



BlenderMarket - Not Important Studio - Nis Light Pack v1.1


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