Ilya FY Font 1 Font $35
Ilya FY Font 1 Font $35
Ilya FY Font 1 Font $35
Ilya FY Font 1 Font $35
With its soft and triangular serifs and its round shapes, Ilya FY is a friendly and gentle display font. Its tall ascendants and descendants, single storey a, generous uppercases and other nice details give Ilya FY a singular look if you need a fresh and original typographic friend for your posters, signage, headlines and logotypes.
Ilya FY was co-created by Samy Halim, Antoine Elsensohn and Fontyou team on, the first collaborative type foundry.
Sale Page

Ilya FY Font 1 Font $35


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RAR Expander 0.8.5 Beta 4  and extract password protected files without error.

