Jillsville Font Family - 4 Font $120
Jillsville Font Family - 4 Font $120
Jillsville Font Family - 4 Font $120
OTF | TTF | 126 KB
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Jillsville is a sweet, delicate font with a fine lines and feminine overtones. She’s light and lithe, but “she ain’t no wallflower.” Reminiscent of a typewriter font, but proportionally spaced, Jillsville is ideal for oversized headlines and photographic overlays where a heavier font would look obese.


Jillsville Font Family - 4 Font $120


P A S S W O R D : JjjJjGFXTRA709050


 TO MAC USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: 

RAR Expander 0.8.5 Beta 3  and extract password protected files without error.


