PF Reminder Pro Font Family - 3 Fonts for $165


PF Reminder Pro Font Family

Use Reminder to add a homey and personal touch to your notes and messages. Whether it is a note to your loved ones or a colleague at the office, this is the typeface to use. But don't take our word for it. The applications of this typeface are endless. Since its first release back in 2003, we have seen it being used for anything from banking to automobiles. And now, with this “Pro” version you can communicate with a big part of this world in a way you always wanted. PF Reminder Pro comes loaded with 555 glyphs which support all European languages including Greek and Cyrillic.

TTF | 3 Fonts | JPEG Preview | 4.9 Mb RAR

PF Reminder Pro Font Family - 3 Fonts for $165

