PF DaVinci Script Pro Font Family - 2 Fonts for $150

PF DaVinci Script Pro Font Family

PF DaVinci Script Pro is based on DaVinci’s own handwriting. He is considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. This great Italian artist left us with a unique writing (used to write from right to left), which we attempted to decode and simplify with PF Da Vinci Script Pro. Many of these letters are free interpretations and do not stick to the original forms. This typeface comes in 2 different styles: Regular and a more informal style called Inked. The all new “Pro” version supports all European languages including Latin, Greek, Greek Polytonic and Cyrillic. It comes loaded with many stylistic alternates in all languages.

TTF | 2 Fonts | JPEG Preview | 4.6 Mb RAR

