Fautive Font Family - Latin, Greek, Cyrillic


Fautive is a dynamic and lively serif, imbued with character and life. Originally based around the work of Louis Perrin, Fautive has grown into a sharp and playful typeface with 18 flamboyant styles. Each style is crafted with elegant and intricate details made to captivate the reader. It also comes equipped with Cyrillic, Greek and extended Latin. Each font comes with a large selection of ligatures, alternates, modular ornaments, a handful of illustrations and a snake. The lighter weights accentuate any flourish or movement found in the regular, whereas the bold softens these features. The italic counterparts follow a similar aesthetic, but contain more calligraphic features. Fautiveʼs exaggerated characteristics are perfect for editorial use, primarily for medium to large scale display settings, but the regular style performs well for longer paragraphs of text. With all of Fautiveʼs quirks and features, the user should be able to create exciting and lasting designs. This large font family will do wonders when used on any material where text is a key element: whether it be display, headline, text and even caption on posters, websites, books and so on.


