Videohive - Sport Player Introducing // Team Intro - 27017899
Videohive - Sport Player Introducing // Team Intro - 27017899
Videohive - Sport Player Introducing // Team Intro - 27017899
Videohive - Sport Player Introducing // Team Intro - 27017899
Videohive - Sport Player Introducing // Team Intro - 27017899
Videohive - Sport Player Introducing // Team Intro - 27017899



  • 4K  Resolution (3840×2160)
  • You can use up to 11 Photos 
  • 2/5/6/9/11 Palyer Version
  • Need to remove background.(you can mask it from AE or Phoroshop)
  • 1:02 Second Duration
  • You can customize slide to your faver
  • 100% AE project. Don’t need any therdparty plugins
  • Works with After Effect CS6 and above 
  • Easy to use even for a begginer
  • Don’t worry, Video Tutorial included 




Videohive - Sport Player Introducing // Team Intro - 27017899

P A S S W O R D    tuyryjaksTREUCBS23462-GFXTRA

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