Festival Script Pro Font - 1 Font $69

Festival Script Pro Font

OTF | 184 KB | Sale Page

  • Festival Script is a logical evolution within the deco script territory previously explored by Koziupa and Paul in efforts like Aranjuez, Bellas Artes, Heraldica and Tanguera. In Festival Script, strong bilinear contrast and ornamental swashes combine to convey a sense of modern luxury. This combination echoes the current trend in consumer goods of elevating simple, everyday products to objects of desire.Festival’s basic structure is the familiar Koziupa aesthetic of tapering stems and sharp endings, but this time informed by a more geometric sensibility. A wide variety of thin, ribbonlike strokes add a beautifully ornamental feel, evoking Argentine “filete” motifs. Almost every letterform includes multiple alternates, providing design possibilities from minimal to exuberant.Festival Script Pro is loaded with alternates, swashes, endings and Latin-based language support.

Festival Script Pro Font - 1 Font $69
Festival Script Pro Font - 1 Font $69
Festival Script Pro Font - 1 Font $69
Festival Script Pro Font - 1 Font $69
Festival Script Pro Font OTF

