FontFabric Mega Font Bundle
FontFabric Mega Font Bundle
FontFabric Mega Font Bundle
FontFabric Mega Font Bundle

FontFabric - Mega Font Bundle 60 Typefaces, 474 Fonts

60 Font Family - 474 Fonts 14500$ | 43 MB RAR
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  • Fontfabric is an independent type foundry, which was launched at the close of 2008 by type designer Svet Simov who is based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Our goal is to create high-quality fonts which stand in a unique class of their own, and which will serve as a good base for any designer project whether it be web, print, t-shirt design, logo etc.
  • In less than three years, our Fontfabric collection has grown to almost thirty type families, many of which have become top sellers. Our typefaces are in perfect tune with the current revival of 1970s geometric lettering and ornamentation, a style of graphic design which we loves and admires, while adding subtle new flavors to the repertoire of available fonts.

FontFabric - Mega Font Bundle 60 Typefaces, 474 Fonts

