Brett Florens - One Wedding: How to Photograph a Wedding from Start to Finish

Brett Florens, "One Wedding: How to Photograph a Wedding from Start to Finish

Brett Florens walks you step-by-step through one real wedding (the celebration of Claire and Chris), revealing his go-to shooting techniques and time-management strategies. Florens begins by customizing image concepts to suit the clients’ personalities and style. On the engagement shoot, he takes you through setups with Claire and Chris that begin with natural light then escalate to multi-strobe approaches. Florens launches his wedding-day coverage with early-morning shots of the guys and the ladies, creating a variety of group and individual images indoors and out. At the ceremony site, he has advice for documenting each event and creating formal portraits of the couple and guests. After a quick-but-efficient break for location portraits, he concludes the day’s hour-by-hour coverage with standout shots of the reception, made with strobe, ambient light, and bounce flash. Throughout, he demonstrates how shooting with the album(s) in mind will ease the post-event design process and boost your sales. In this practical, inspiring book, you’ll see real wedding photography as it is rarely revealed: from the perspective of a single event, start to finish.


Brett Florens - One Wedding: How to Photograph a Wedding from Start to Finish

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